Fibre-reinforced concrete or fibrous concrete is an artificially created composite material, which consists of concrete and fibre.

This material has become very popular and is frequently used because of its positive qualities. 

The following fibres can be added: polypropylene, polyamide, steel, glass, polymer, acrylic, nylon, polyester, cotton, asbestos, glass fibre, carbon fibre.


Reinforced concrete slabs are concrete slabs that are reinforced with a reinforcement mesh

that improves the strength qualities of the concrete slabs.


Such floors are usually used under floorings. Dry cement mortar is made according to special recipe, by using CEM I 42.5 cement, water and high quality washed sand aggregate. Polypropylene fibre is added to mortar, in order to eliminate the occurence of unwanted shrinkage cracks. It is made on the construction site and laid right on the application place, by using a special compressor device with a forced action mixer. Estrich technology guarantees a highly smooth surface, which is important, when installing most different floorings - tiles, linoleum, parquet, soft flooring. Estrich floors are a levelling layer above the foundation concrete, covering slabs or insulation layer. It is not necessary to additionally level the floor with self-levelling mixtures.


Concrete floors that are machine polished with diamond polishing discs,

by exposing the fine aggregates on the surface of the finished concrete, thus creating a floor texture.

The benefits of these floors are resistance to abrasion, permanence and gloss of the concrete slab,

 the resistance to friction for such floors increases up to 400%.


Polystyrene concrete and foam concrete are known for many years. Main specifications: fireproof Broof (t1) according to PN-EN13501-5:2006, noise reduction, low thermal conductivity and relatively high compressive strength up to 1.7 Mpa, density: 350-600kg/m3, application thickness: 50-1000mm. Because of these specifications it is mainly used in building flat roofs, the slope of which does not exceed 15°, levelling uneven ceiling structures, as well as the best application of it is under floor structures, in order to cover utility systems.


Lightweight aggregate concrete is a lightweight concrete. The benefits of such concrete are low density and good sound insulation. Lightweight aggregate concrete is a natural material, made from clay. Its main specifications are: fireproof class A1 (i.e. non-combustible), good heat and sound insulation. By adding a certain quantity of cement to it, a mass with a density from 350 to 600 kg/m3 is made, so the mass may be applied in reconstructible buildings and buildings under construction, when a light, fireproof levelling material is necessary. 


Polished Concrete floors - is a multi-step process where a concrete floor is mechanically ground, honed and polished with bonded abrasives in order to cut a concrete floor's surface. It is then refined with each cut in order to achieve a specified level of appearance.


Valčbetons jeb ar veltni blīvēts betons (saīsinājums no angļu valodas – RCC (roller compacted concrete).  Tā ir inovatīva ceļu seguma ieklāšanas tehnoloģija, kas apvieno betona stiprību un ilgmūžību ar iespējām ieklāt segumu, izmantojot asfalta ieklāšanas tehniku – RCC tiek ieklāts ar standarta asfaltbetona ieklājējiem un sablīvēts ar veltņiem. Salīdzinājumā ar klasisko betonu RCC maisījums ir sausāks un bez nosēduma. RCC segumiem ir ievērojams būvniecības izmaksu ietaupījums (vidēji tie ir 10-30%), tā iemesla dēļ, ka RCC ir ieklājams vienā biezā kārtā bez stiegrojuma un bez ievērojamiem sagatavošanas darbiem un veidņiem. RCC segums spēj uzņemt lielas koncentrētas slodzes bez deformācijām; tas iztur ļoti augstas un zemas temperatūras (neveidojas rises) un uz šāda seguma praktiski neveidojas bedres.